Data Analyst projects

Laptop EDA

It is a basic EDA (Exlporatory Data Analysis) attempt, using the laptop datasets from Kaggle was able to gain valuable insights, which help visualize a pattern of which GPU and CPU were preferrable in which type of laptops.

Technology use: SQL, Excel, Tableau

Flask Website

A Flask website for school assignment, utilized 3 different API to calls and display the ISS location, country , and weather that it is hovering above

Technology use: Python, Flask, API

Nasdaq Bitcoin Dashboard website

A dashboard that utilize the Nasdaq API to grab the bitcoin data to analyze, and currency exchange API to show the exchange rate from bitcoin to other country currency, able to plot 2 graph to show the changes over time

Technology use: Python, Flask, Nasdaq API, Currency Exchange API, Plotly Dash


NBA Dashboard

A dashbaord that utilize the balldontlie API to grab the data of the players and team to perform analysis technique and plot the data, was able to plot 5 graph and interpret all 5 graphs

Technology use: Python, Flask, balldontlie API, Plotly Dash


Twilio Messages

Website that will send custom messages to your phone number, utilize 3 different API to craft a custom messages, and using Twilio to send those custom messages to your phone number with a click of the button

Technology use: Python, Flask, Twilio API, API


Web scraping

A basic web scraping program that scrape the content of a wiki and write it into csv file.

Technology use: Python, BeautifulSoup


Developer Projects

Etch-a-Sketch website

A basic etch-a-sketch website that is able to draw, erase, and clear the board. It is also allow users to change how many pixel they want on the board.

Technology use: HTML,CSS, Javascript

Calculator website

A calculator website made entirely out of Javascript, this project help me practice DOM in Javascript, and also help me practice Javascript.

Technology use: HTML,CSS, Javascript

Island Runner

A small game i made while i was learning Unity, was able to implement core game mechanics of endless runner with randomly generated platform, object that hurt players, and score system.

Technology use: Unity, C#


Planet Defender

A game that i challenged myself to finish in 1 week, was able to implement core mechanics of spawning random enemies and upgrade system. The game was based on the game i played when i was a kid that i couldn't remember.

Technology use: Unity, C#
